15th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (15ICGE)
9th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (9AYGEC)
Date: December 5, 2019; to December 7, 2019 – Venue: Lahore, Pakistan.
The Pakistan Geotechnical Engineering Society (PGES) under the aegis of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) takes pleasure in hosting 9th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference and its 15th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering from December 5 to December 7, 2019; in Lahore, Pakistan.
This conference will be the ninth in its series following the first in Bangkok (1991), the second in Singapore (1994), the third in Singapore (1997), the fourth in Seoul (2001), the fifth in Taipei (2004), the sixth in Bangalore (2008), the seventh in Tokushima (2012) and the eighth in Astana (2016) . This conference aims at providing an interactive platform for the young geotechnical engineers from across Asia. Young Geotechnical Engineers and researchers below the age of 35 years from Asian countries will participate in this Conference. Each of the National Geotechnical Societies in Asia is invited to nominate two participants from its country to submit research papers in the conference.
The 15th international conference with broad theme of “Geotechnical Engineering” has been kept to attract a diversity of quality papers from around the globe. This Conference will act as a platform for the exchange of technical ideas between Clients, Consultants, Contractors, and Manufacturers. Outstanding keynote lectures, presentations, and technical discussions will afford the opportunity to explore the advancements in geotechnical engineering. 15ICGE will provide the attendees to share their expertise along with seeking new collaborations and meet the expertees of the relevant fields.
Keynote Speakers
- Ground Improvement
- Liquefaction Potential and Mitigation
- Risk Assessment in Geotechnical Engineering
- Geomatics Techniques
- Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
- Deep Excavations
- Numerical Modelling
- Geotechnical Analysis & Design
- Case Histories
- Natural and Induced Seismicity
- Risk Preparedness and Early Warning Systems
- Dams And Hydropower
- Field Investigations and Laboratory Testing
- Environmental Geotechnics
- Tunneling and Underground Structures
- Hazard Zonification
- Problematic Soils
Important Dates
Abstract submission………………………………..Nov 30, 2018
Abstract Acceptance……………………………….Dec 31, 2018
Paper submission……………………………………Apr 15, 2019
Paper Acceptance…………………………………..June 30, 2019
Submission of Camera-ready copies……….July 30, 2019
Conference pre-registration……………………..Oct 15, 2019